Enterprise Solutions

At VeritasIT Solutions, we aim to improve client profit, proficiency and productivity while providing our employees with unique and rewarding opportunities.

Each member of our team knows his or her respective craft inside and out; and each maintains the discipline needed to allow the culture of a business ecosystem to flourish.

Our team has a pristine understanding of the marketplace. We know where to look for opportunities and how to capitalize on them.

We understand the value of clear communication: Precise, synchronized and direct.

At VeritasIT, we've never missed a deadline and we absolutely refuse to compromise our standards for the highest quality of work.

Every player on our squad is coachable--Seasoned veterans who demand the most of themselves and their team-mates.

The highly fertile reality of Information technology is becoming virtual. Data is moving at lightning speed and in order to survive, the post-modern business must work hard and it must work smart in order to stay relevant within hyper-competitive markets.

We are here to help
A VeritasIT is a term for a very large business network. Therefore the phrase " VeritasIT " refers to business solutions for large corporations which have large networks. I would, however, consider these solutions for various sized organizations due to the enhanced scalability and efficiency of the systems. This term " Veritasit " is a very broad term and encompases all aspects of computer technology business solutions including hardware, software and the employees required to implement the requirements of specific organizations. I have had a very difficult time finding a specific definition to the phrase " Veritasit ". Therefore I am led to conclude that it is a term coined by marketing personnel to enhance interest in business solutions provided by specialists. This does not make it insignificant. Quite the contrary, as with all corporate operations, the corporation who is most efficient will have the greatest competative edge.

This section talks about VeritasIT solutions with regard to software and servers (operating system platforms and related servers) to be used in the Veritasit (corporation).

Enterprise Solutions
Veritasit provide for a scalable, easy to manage programming solution to providing business management and information accessibility for internal and external clients. Veritasit deal with the problem of providing information to clients both externally and internally. It deals with programming and databases. The main problem being how to most efficiently get our data accessable to those we want to access it. The solution have the following characteristics and more:

• Security - Should be able to be sure information is not being stolen by those we don't want to have access to it.

• Scalability - Should be able to accommodate an increase in clients.

• Cost - Should be easy to program

• Management - Should provide ability to manage the implementation including version control software and software that helps manage team effort with reguard to providing the solution.

• Management - Should provide ability to manage the implementation including version control software and software that helps manage team effort with reguard to providing the solution.

• Portable - Should be able to accommodate changes in technology. Therefore, in order for a business to properly choose an VeritasIT, a proper requirements definition must be completed. All desired features along with priorities for each feature must be assigned in order to make a suitable decision.

• Portable - Should be able to accommodate changes in technology. Therefore, in order for a business to properly choose an VeritasIT, a proper requirements definition must be completed. All desired features along with priorities for each feature must be assigned in order to make a suitable decision.

Application Servers
VeritasIT for implementing distributed systems generally revolve around an application server which provides several but not necessarily all of the following services

• Directory and naming services
• Security
• Distributed transactions
• Fault tolerance management
• Load balancing and clustering
• Database services
• State Tracking

These services are generally called technical infrastructure services. There are many types of application servers that may supply some or all of these functions. The applications that run on these application servers will receive requests from clients such as web browsers and using API program hooks will request or send information to/from other applications or through the interfaces to the specific service such as a database service. When a reply is received, the client request is responded to by the application.

There are also other areas of functionality that are offered by application servers that make their use easier such as:

• Managing and writing applications
• Integration with other systems.

To justify an application server the distributed system should require transaction processing across multiple databases.

For more information on application servers read the section about application servers in the independent platform area of this website.

Software Solutions
The two main current business solutions are:
• J2EE - These are a suite of Java technologies including:
• EJB - VeritasIT- Java Beans standardizes the program calls to the application server and standardizes the return calls.
• JDBC - Java Database Connectivity
• JNDI - Java Naming and Directory Interface
• JMS - Java Message Service is a remote asynchronous communication to send messages to other objects. It is different from RMI (Remote Method Invocation) since the message is sent and forgotten.
• RMI - Remote Method Invocation
• JTA - Java Transaction API.
• Java Mail

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